#135 Devil’s golf course

#135 Devil’s golf course

Long day of adventures in Death Valley, in our huge Dodge 4×4. Incredible heat and incredible places.
I got a memory card full right here in between Dante’s view and the Devil’s golf course, and it was the 666th picture. Probably not such a bad omen, cause we made it alive, but i got a speeding ticket a few hours later while trying to reach 88 miles/hour on a 70/hour road. (Thank you, Marty)

Commentaires (3)

Emilie (07.05.12)

Hé la classe ! Collector !

pintos (07.05.12)


OrderByDay: daily random pixels (21.06.14)

[…] retour dans Death Valley, deux ans plus tard une conclusion s’impose : il fait encore plus chaud en juin (un petit 47 à l’ombre). […]

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